Ecogain in meeting at the Government Offices on CLIMB and biodiversity.

Anders Enetjärn and Josefin Ohlson from Ecogain presented CLIMB and talked about the role of business in the work for biodiversity at the Swedish Government Offices.

The business community can and will play an important role in efforts to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity. This was one of the things Ecogain had the opportunity to discuss with the Ministry of Climate and Industry in a meeting at the Government Offices this week.

Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari highlighted the launch of CLIMB earlier this summer, and recently Ecogain provided input to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency on the new national biodiversity plan. 

Ecogain's Anders Enetjärn and Josefin Ohlson were invited to the Ministry of Climate and Industry to present CLIMB and discuss how business can contribute to the national and global biodiversity targets.

Government needs to support industry roadmaps for biodiversity

The approximately 20-25 people who attended the meeting showed great interest and asked many questions, including how CLIMB can facilitate in permit processes, how projects already done with the model have turned out, and how CLIMB can be linked to new reporting requirements. The government wants to activate the business community in biodiversity issues, and based on Ecogain's long experience of working with it, several important issues were discussed:

  • Lessons learned from the successful work of the Business@Biodiversity Sweden network,

  • The potential of CLIMB as the model is launched

  • Experiences of how CLIMB has been used and received by county councils 

  • Our experience on how leading companies are starting to integrate biodiversity into their business models

We also highlighted the importance of the government supporting the development of industry roadmaps for biodiversity, in the same way that there are roadmaps for different industries to go fossil-free. 

We at Ecogain are grateful that the experience we build up in our business can be used to make a difference in some of humanity's key issues.

want to know more about climb?

Welcome to a free webinar on September 7 with Ecogain's Tove Hägglund about CLIMB and how you can learn to use it in your business. Book your place here.

Susanne B Olsson