Quality policy


Quality of missions

Every employee acting in the name of Ecogain must ensure that all assignments are carried out to the expected quality for our customers and other stakeholders. Our ambition is to create added value for the customer.

The management system - an active tool

Our management system should be practiced in all functions of the business and be an active tool in the work to achieve improved and more efficient processes, always with the customer at the center. The company's business concept, policy, goals and values will guide our efforts to continuously develop.

Internal dialog

We will set quality requirements for our business partners and ourselves through a continuous internal dialog. Through our internal meetings, planning days and internal dialog between employees, we develop our way of working and aim for continuous improvement of our services.

We see the laws as the minimum level

We will continuously improve ourselves and our management system and consider the laws and regulations of the authorities and other requirements that affect us as a minimum level.