Ecogain wins Growth Company of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year at Umeågalan 2023.

Katarina Walter, Ecogain's CEO, and Tove Hägglund, Head of Sales, had the great honor of stepping on stage at the Umeågalan and receiving the award for "Growth Company of the Year" 2023. They note that Ecogain as an impact company wins in this particular category feels really good for the future, and that the business community is an incredibly strong driving force behind implementing biodiversity in the same way as climate as a strategic sustainability issue.

The jury's reasoning was:

"With a focus on the environment and using resources in harmony with nature, the company has developed services and disseminated knowledge that create solutions for its customers for responsible business. With a strong pathos for long-term sustainability, the company has generated profitable growth while developing its own business for future growth."

Later in the evening, Anders Enetjärn also won the 2023 Entrepreneur of the Year award, saying:

"For 20 years, Anders & Susan have developed the company with a genuine drive to change the world. They realized early on that our planet needs to be taken care of and today, from Umeå, they are an internationally recognized partner in our transition to a long-term sustainable planet.

 Together, Anders and Susan have developed a business that has been an early influencer of national and global changes towards more sustainable behavior. They symbolize a courageous leadership that dares to put the purpose first and themselves second. Through continuous innovative development by Ecogain, a measurement tool has been developed to map the environmental impact of different countries. This measurement tool is now used as a global standard.

Ecogain has made an impressive journey from a lone consultant with an ambition to change the world to a multi-employee company that is internationally recognized for its thought processes and methods. In addition to an impressive journey, Ecogain has brought environmental policy into the business world in a way that the political system has not been able to do on its own.

With good results for global education, the planet, politics and turnover, and by running the company in such a selfless way, we can't help but be impressed by the leadership. "

Many thanks to the Umeågala jury for the great awards!

Emelie Ousbäck